How TO GET banned by Google

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esterday you should have read the fifth course out of 6 courses that will help you get a TOP rank in the search engines and get EXPLOSIVE LASER TARGETED TRAFFIC for Free. Today we move on to course #6 and study how to get banned by google! Please read today's course very carefully and take some time to test what I'm about to tell you on your own webpage. Alright let’s start!

How TO GET banned by Google!

Now this course is here to make sure that you don’t screw up and get your website banned by google. If you search in google one day for your website and don’t find it then you're probably banned. Another way to see this is by downloading the google toolbar, if you visit your website and instead of showing you a PR it shows a completely grey bar then you're banned for sure. Now the best CURE for disease is prevention so I'll show you how to get banned and you will consecutively stay away from these methods and everyone lives happily ever after.

1) Hidden Text: If you have text on your websites that is the same colour as the background and can't be seen then you WILL get banned.

2) Alt image tag spamming: If you use too many of the same word in the alt tag of an image then you WILL be banned. An example is this:
Someone puts their mouse over an image on your site and they see "graphic design,graphic design,design,graphic,graphic design tips,graphic design tutorials,graphic design downloads,graphic design forum,graphic design links,graphic design pictures"

3) Meta Tag Stuffing: DO NOT repeat the same keyword too many times in your met tags, if you do so you WILL get banned. An example of this a website that want to rank well for design so they use this: < name="KEYWORDS" content="design,designs,designed,design,DESIGN,design,graphic design,design tips,design downloads,design design,design forever,design bs,DESIGN,">

4) Title Tag Stuffing
Using too many words in your title tag is wrong and won't help you rank well; it will only get you banned. Many sites use this and are therefore not in google anymore. Just use a few words and you are fine. Stuffing 20 words in the title is a VERY bad idea.

So basically don't STUFF your website and you're fine!

You have finally graduate from the SEO 6 day course! I hope this course has tought you everything you needed to know and a bit more.

If you would like to contact me anytime and either complain (why would you!) or give me your testimonial then feel free to do so anytime. I'm there if you need any more help also.

How to Generate Free, High Pagerank Links

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Here's a quick and easy search engine optimization (SEO) technique that anyone can use to generate free, high Google pagerank links to their site.

SEO in a nutshell: get quality links to your site; the higher the pagerank, the better.

The problem is that if you submit your site to a high pagerank directory or search engine, it can take months for your site to appear. Moreover, many high PR directories and search engines charge big bucks for the privilege of getting listed with them. For example, the Open Directory Project (DMOZ) directory takes several months or more to list a site. And Yahoo charges $299 per year for a commercial site to be listed in their directory.

While it's great to be listed in these directories and search engines, many will automatically find and list your site free if you have good quality links to your site. High pagerank links to your site indicate to many search engines that other sites that they rate highly link to you. Therefore, they conclude, your site will probably be useful to their users. So you deserve a higher pagerank, according to Google. And the higher your pagerank, the better your search engine visibility. It's part of the SEO game and you can learn how to play.

Now here's my secret to getting some high pagerank sites to link to you immediately and at no charge.

First you need to create a web page on your site with a list of links. You will be adding links to other sites on your links page in exchange for these sites adding your link to their link pages. So let's call this page a reciprocal links page. You don't just add any site to your reciprocal links page, however. You will be looking for high pagerank links to add to your links page. It's better if you include links to sites that are related to your products or services. To make search engines happy, limit each of your reciprocal links pages to about 50 links.

Many sites maintain their reciprocal link pages using the free LinkMan script from PHPJunkYard. If you wish, you could do the same, but it is not necessary. You can download this php script from

The LinkMan script allows a site's visitors to add their links immediately after they add links to the site on their pages. So all you have to do is to find sites using this LinkMan script, add their link to your reciprocal links page, and you can immediately add your link to theirs.

Because the LinkMan script is free, the developer requires the following notice on the links page: "Powered by Link manager LinkMan 1.02 from PHPJunkYard - free php scripts."

You can find sites using LinkMan then by searching for the exact phrase "Powered by Link manager LinkMan 1.02 from PHPJunkYard" on Google, for example. Note that there are other scripts named Linkman, so you should not just search for "LinkMan". Play around with your search phrase to find also sites using earlier versions of LinkMan.

Visit some PHPJunkYard LinkMan link pages with a browser showing the Google pagerank. You will very soon come across a site using LinkMan that has a high Google pagerank. Bingo! Add their link to your reciprocal links page and then add your link to theirs. You immediately have a free link on a high pagerank site. Free instant SEO!

And that's a quick and easy search engine optimization technique you can use to generate free, high pagerank links.